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Bid History for: Lot #47 - Six Vintage Teacups & Saucers - (See Description)
User Time Amount Info
Krstewart2209 05/19/23 5:47PM $21.51 Krstewart2209 outbid the previous bid by Jeremyhumrich
Jeremyhumrich 05/19/23 5:23PM $20.51 Proxy bid was was placed for Jeremyhumrich in response to a bid by Ibuy2sellshop2
Ibuy2sellshop2 05/19/23 5:23PM $20.00 Ibuy2sellshop2 bid was accepted, but was outbid by Jeremyhumrich using proxy bid.
Jeremyhumrich 05/19/23 5:19PM $16.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Jeremyhumrich in response to a bid by Ibuy2sellshop2
Ibuy2sellshop2 05/19/23 5:19PM $15.00 Ibuy2sellshop2 bid was accepted, but was outbid by Jeremyhumrich using proxy bid.
Jeremyhumrich 05/16/23 8:02AM $11.00 Jeremyhumrich outbid the previous bid by Luna
Luna 05/16/23 8:02AM $10.00 Proxy bid was placed for Luna in response to a bid by Jeremyhumrich
Luna 05/13/23 7:18PM $8.50 Proxy bid was was placed for Luna in response to a bid by Frederick1979
Frederick1979 05/13/23 7:18PM $7.50 Frederick1979 bid was accepted, but was outbid by Luna using proxy bid.
Luna 05/13/23 7:10PM $5.00 Luna placed the starting bid.
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