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Lot #297 - JET Air Filtration System - (Works -Model AFS-1000B)
Skalka 06/02/23 9:57P $205.00 Skalka outbid the previous bid by gailynn123
gailynn123 06/02/23 9:57P $200.00 Proxy bid was placed for gailynn123 in response to a bid by Skalka
gailynn123 06/02/23 8:51P $190.00 gailynn123 raised their max bid.
gailynn123 06/02/23 7:58P $190.00 gailynn123 outbid the previous bid by vcissell2z
vcissell2z 06/02/23 7:58P $185.00 Proxy bid was placed for vcissell2z in response to a bid by gailynn123
vcissell2z 06/02/23 7:07P $180.00 vcissell2z outbid the previous bid by gailynn123
gailynn123 06/02/23 7:07P $175.00 Proxy bid was was placed for gailynn123 in response to a bid by vcissell2z
vcissell2z 06/02/23 7:07P $175.00 vcissell2z bid was accepted, but was outbid by gailynn123 using proxy bid.
gailynn123 06/02/23 6:42P $170.00 gailynn123 outbid the previous bid by adventuredrums
adventuredrums 06/02/23 6:42P $165.00 Proxy bid was placed for adventuredrums in response to a bid by gailynn123
adventuredrums 06/02/23 2:22P $155.00 adventuredrums outbid the previous bid by gailynn123
gailynn123 06/02/23 2:22P $150.00 Proxy bid was was placed for gailynn123 in response to a bid by adventuredrums
adventuredrums 06/02/23 2:22P $150.00 adventuredrums bid was accepted, but was outbid by gailynn123 using proxy bid.
gailynn123 05/31/23 12:15P $101.00 gailynn123 outbid the previous bid by Mplay
Mplay 05/31/23 10:51A $100.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Mplay in response to a bid by gailynn123
gailynn123 05/31/23 10:51A $100.00 gailynn123 bid was accepted, but was outbid by Mplay using proxy bid.
Mplay 05/31/23 9:53A $82.00 Mplay outbid the previous bid by Garburt
Garburt 05/31/23 9:53A $81.00 Proxy bid was placed for Garburt in response to a bid by Mplay
Garburt 05/30/23 4:41A $51.00 Garburt outbid the previous bid by rhiggi8
rhiggi8 05/30/23 4:41A $50.00 Proxy bid was placed for rhiggi8 in response to a bid by Garburt
rhiggi8 05/29/23 10:12P $42.00 rhiggi8 outbid the previous bid by Garburt
Garburt 05/29/23 10:12P $41.00 Proxy bid was placed for Garburt in response to a bid by rhiggi8
Garburt 05/28/23 9:41P $7.66 Proxy bid was was placed for Garburt in response to a bid by ultralighter
ultralighter 05/28/23 9:41P $6.66 ultralighter bid was accepted, but was outbid by Garburt using proxy bid.
Garburt 05/27/23 9:34A $5.00 Garburt placed the starting bid.
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