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Lot #275 - Delta Shop Master Bench Top Belt/Disk Sander - (Works - Model SA180)
Pwalto 06/02/23 9:35P $89.67 Pwalto outbid the previous bid by RubyLee
RubyLee 06/02/23 9:35P $88.67 Proxy bid was placed for RubyLee in response to a bid by Pwalto
RubyLee 06/02/23 9:35P $86.00 Proxy bid was was placed for RubyLee in response to a bid by Pwalto
Pwalto 06/02/23 9:35P $85.00 Pwalto bid was accepted, but was outbid by RubyLee using proxy bid.
RubyLee 06/02/23 9:35P $81.00 Proxy bid was was placed for RubyLee in response to a bid by Pwalto
Pwalto 06/02/23 9:35P $80.00 Pwalto bid was accepted, but was outbid by RubyLee using proxy bid.
RubyLee 06/02/23 6:06P $51.00 RubyLee raised their max bid.
RubyLee 06/02/23 3:41P $51.00 RubyLee outbid the previous bid by TheAnon
TheAnon 06/02/23 3:41P $50.00 Proxy bid was placed for TheAnon in response to a bid by RubyLee
TheAnon 06/02/23 1:04P $41.00 TheAnon outbid the previous bid by Pwalto
Pwalto 06/02/23 1:04P $40.00 Proxy bid was placed for Pwalto in response to a bid by TheAnon
Pwalto 05/31/23 12:13P $28.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Pwalto in response to a bid by justlooking22020
justlooking22020 05/31/23 12:13P $27.00 justlooking22020 bid was accepted, but was outbid by Pwalto using proxy bid.
Pwalto 05/29/23 4:17P $21.97 Pwalto outbid the previous bid by YCL11
YCL11 05/29/23 4:17P $20.97 Proxy bid was placed for YCL11 in response to a bid by Pwalto
YCL11 05/29/23 3:40P $15.97 YCL11 raised their max bid.
YCL11 05/29/23 3:40P $15.97 YCL11 outbid the previous bid by JohnH
JohnH 05/29/23 3:40P $15.00 Proxy bid was placed for JohnH in response to a bid by YCL11
JohnH 05/28/23 9:42A $12.00 Proxy bid was was placed for JohnH in response to a bid by jimket2
jimket2 05/28/23 9:42A $11.00 jimket2 bid was accepted, but was outbid by JohnH using proxy bid.
JohnH 05/27/23 12:19P $5.00 JohnH placed the starting bid.
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