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Lot #123 - Blue Mid-Century LE Smith Wide Swung Vase - (21.5")
CCVB 06/02/23 6:47P $126.00 CCVB outbid the previous bid by Razorclam2020
Razorclam2020 06/02/23 6:47P $121.00 Proxy bid was placed for Razorclam2020 in response to a bid by CCVB
Razorclam2020 06/02/23 6:25P $101.00 Razorclam2020 outbid the previous bid by Robinski64
Robinski64 06/02/23 6:25P $100.00 Proxy bid was placed for Robinski64 in response to a bid by Razorclam2020
Robinski64 06/02/23 5:50P $93.00 Robinski64 outbid the previous bid by Razorclam2020
Razorclam2020 06/02/23 5:50P $92.00 Proxy bid was placed for Razorclam2020 in response to a bid by Robinski64
Razorclam2020 06/02/23 5:50P $86.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Razorclam2020 in response to a bid by Robinski64
Robinski64 06/02/23 5:50P $85.00 Robinski64 bid was accepted, but was outbid by Razorclam2020 using proxy bid.
Razorclam2020 06/02/23 5:11P $56.00 Razorclam2020 raised their max bid.
Razorclam2020 06/02/23 5:10P $56.00 Razorclam2020 outbid the previous bid by Sblibra86
Sblibra86 06/02/23 5:10P $55.00 Proxy bid was placed for Sblibra86 in response to a bid by Razorclam2020
Sblibra86 06/02/23 10:14A $40.25 Sblibra86 raised their max bid.
Sblibra86 06/01/23 9:15A $40.25 Sblibra86 outbid the previous bid by kjnylin2020
kjnylin2020 06/01/23 9:15A $40.00 Proxy bid was placed for kjnylin2020 in response to a bid by Sblibra86
kjnylin2020 05/31/23 4:57P $30.75 kjnylin2020 outbid the previous bid by Sblibra86
Sblibra86 05/31/23 4:57P $29.75 Proxy bid was placed for Sblibra86 in response to a bid by kjnylin2020
Sblibra86 05/31/23 12:37P $26.00 Sblibra86 outbid the previous bid by Stonekp
Stonekp 05/31/23 12:37P $25.00 Proxy bid was placed for Stonekp in response to a bid by Sblibra86
Stonekp 05/30/23 9:06A $23.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Stonekp in response to a bid by Mbar
Mbar 05/30/23 9:06A $22.00 Mbar bid was accepted, but was outbid by Stonekp using proxy bid.
Stonekp 05/27/23 7:28P $21.00 Stonekp outbid the previous bid by JKJ2NABI
JKJ2NABI 05/27/23 7:28P $20.00 Proxy bid was placed for JKJ2NABI in response to a bid by Stonekp
JKJ2NABI 05/27/23 1:43P $6.00 JKJ2NABI outbid the previous bid by bbagwell442
bbagwell442 05/27/23 12:37P $5.00 bbagwell442 placed the starting bid.
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