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Lot #97 - Collection of Vintage Glass & Crystal
Kevin20 06/02/23 6:37P $16.00 Kevin20 outbid the previous bid by Ibuy2sellshop2
Ibuy2sellshop2 06/02/23 6:37P $15.00 Proxy bid was placed for Ibuy2sellshop2 in response to a bid by Kevin20
Ibuy2sellshop2 06/02/23 10:44A $11.00 Ibuy2sellshop2 outbid the previous bid by DJohnson1322
DJohnson1322 06/02/23 10:44A $10.00 Proxy bid was placed for DJohnson1322 in response to a bid by Ibuy2sellshop2
DJohnson1322 06/02/23 8:09A $8.00 DJohnson1322 outbid the previous bid by Sunshinegirl
Sunshinegirl 06/02/23 8:09A $7.00 Proxy bid was placed for Sunshinegirl in response to a bid by DJohnson1322
Sunshinegirl 06/01/23 8:14P $6.00 Sunshinegirl outbid the previous bid by Temberjade
Temberjade 05/30/23 11:05P $5.00 Temberjade placed the starting bid.
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