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Lot #214 - Wood Sailor, Wood Ships Wheel Decor, Sand Dollars, Small Star Fish, Gooey Duck Doll, Handmade Wall Art & More
Redzer 05/19/23 8:34P $24.00 Redzer outbid the previous bid by bakke
bakke 05/19/23 8:34P $23.00 Proxy bid was placed for bakke in response to a bid by Redzer
bakke 05/19/23 8:34P $22.00 bakke outbid the previous bid by stevepeil
stevepeil 05/19/23 7:56P $21.00 stevepeil outbid the previous bid by Ibuy2sellshop2
Ibuy2sellshop2 05/19/23 7:56P $20.00 Proxy bid was placed for Ibuy2sellshop2 in response to a bid by stevepeil
Ibuy2sellshop2 05/19/23 7:56P $18.50 Proxy bid was was placed for Ibuy2sellshop2 in response to a bid by stevepeil
stevepeil 05/19/23 7:56P $17.50 stevepeil bid was accepted, but was outbid by Ibuy2sellshop2 using proxy bid.
Ibuy2sellshop2 05/19/23 6:42P $13.00 Ibuy2sellshop2 outbid the previous bid by stevepeil
stevepeil 05/19/23 6:41P $12.00 Proxy bid was was placed for stevepeil in response to a bid by Ibuy2sellshop2
Ibuy2sellshop2 05/19/23 6:41P $12.00 Ibuy2sellshop2 bid was accepted, but was outbid by stevepeil using proxy bid.
stevepeil 05/19/23 2:15P $6.00 stevepeil outbid the previous bid by Postguy48
Postguy48 05/16/23 8:57P $5.00 Postguy48 placed the starting bid.
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