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Lot #126 - Vintage Mexican "Taxco" Sterling .925 & Turquoise Jewelry Set - (188.55 grams)
Everett1983 05/19/23 7:06P $96.09 Everett1983 outbid the previous bid by sterlingqueen100
sterlingqueen100 05/19/23 7:06P $95.85 Proxy bid was placed for sterlingqueen100 in response to a bid by Everett1983
sterlingqueen100 05/19/23 7:06P $86.09 sterlingqueen100 outbid the previous bid by Everett1983
Everett1983 05/19/23 7:06P $85.09 Proxy bid was placed for Everett1983 in response to a bid by sterlingqueen100
Everett1983 05/19/23 7:06P $76.00 Everett1983 outbid the previous bid by CMoney
CMoney 05/19/23 7:06P $75.00 Proxy bid was placed for CMoney in response to a bid by Everett1983
CMoney 05/16/23 8:51A $66.00 CMoney outbid the previous bid by LMboj
LMboj 05/16/23 8:51A $65.00 Proxy bid was placed for LMboj in response to a bid by CMoney
LMboj 05/16/23 3:43A $51.00 LMboj outbid the previous bid by CMoney
CMoney 05/15/23 2:11P $50.00 Proxy bid was was placed for CMoney in response to a bid by beabebeabe
beabebeabe 05/15/23 2:11P $50.00 beabebeabe bid was accepted, but was outbid by CMoney using proxy bid.
CMoney 05/14/23 1:42P $46.00 CMoney outbid the previous bid by LMboj
LMboj 05/14/23 1:42P $45.00 Proxy bid was was placed for LMboj in response to a bid by CMoney
CMoney 05/14/23 1:42P $45.00 CMoney bid was accepted, but was outbid by LMboj using proxy bid.
LMboj 05/14/23 1:42P $41.00 Proxy bid was was placed for LMboj in response to a bid by CMoney
CMoney 05/14/23 1:42P $40.00 CMoney bid was accepted, but was outbid by LMboj using proxy bid.
LMboj 05/14/23 12:24P $33.00 Proxy bid was was placed for LMboj in response to a bid by beabebeabe
beabebeabe 05/14/23 12:24P $32.00 beabebeabe bid was accepted, but was outbid by LMboj using proxy bid.
LMboj 05/14/23 12:24P $26.00 Proxy bid was was placed for LMboj in response to a bid by beabebeabe
beabebeabe 05/14/23 12:24P $25.00 beabebeabe bid was accepted, but was outbid by LMboj using proxy bid.
LMboj 05/14/23 12:24P $16.00 Proxy bid was was placed for LMboj in response to a bid by beabebeabe
beabebeabe 05/14/23 12:24P $15.00 beabebeabe bid was accepted, but was outbid by LMboj using proxy bid.
LMboj 05/13/23 7:41P $9.00 Proxy bid was was placed for LMboj in response to a bid by kittyd
kittyd 05/13/23 7:41P $8.00 kittyd bid was accepted, but was outbid by LMboj using proxy bid.
LMboj 05/13/23 8:47A $5.00 LMboj placed the starting bid.
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