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Lot #82 - Vintage 1950's pc. Set of (White) Metlox Poppy Trail Pink Peach Dinnerware
Krstewart2209 05/19/23 6:22P $31.00 Krstewart2209 outbid the previous bid by Ibuy2sellshop2
Ibuy2sellshop2 05/19/23 6:22P $30.00 Proxy bid was placed for Ibuy2sellshop2 in response to a bid by Krstewart2209
Ibuy2sellshop2 05/19/23 5:43P $26.00 Ibuy2sellshop2 outbid the previous bid by Robinski64
Robinski64 05/19/23 5:43P $25.00 Proxy bid was placed for Robinski64 in response to a bid by Ibuy2sellshop2
Robinski64 05/19/23 8:41A $16.00 Robinski64 outbid the previous bid by mfogelberg
mfogelberg 05/19/23 8:41A $15.00 Proxy bid was placed for mfogelberg in response to a bid by Robinski64
mfogelberg 05/18/23 8:14P $9.00 mfogelberg outbid the previous bid by Portside
Portside 05/18/23 8:14P $8.00 Proxy bid was placed for Portside in response to a bid by mfogelberg
Portside 05/18/23 8:10A $5.00 Portside placed the starting bid.
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