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Lot #9 - *Rare* Beautiful Vintage Paden City Elegant 8.25" Glass Seahorses
Krstewart2209 05/19/23 5:09P $58.00 Krstewart2209 outbid the previous bid by Waterboy1923
Waterboy1923 05/19/23 5:09P $57.00 Proxy bid was placed for Waterboy1923 in response to a bid by Krstewart2209
Waterboy1923 05/19/23 5:09P $53.00 Waterboy1923 outbid the previous bid by SWest
SWest 05/19/23 5:09P $52.00 Proxy bid was placed for SWest in response to a bid by Waterboy1923
SWest 05/19/23 5:07P $50.00 Proxy bid was was placed for SWest in response to a bid by Matty
Matty 05/19/23 5:07P $49.00 Matty bid was accepted, but was outbid by SWest using proxy bid.
SWest 05/19/23 5:06P $48.00 Proxy bid was was placed for SWest in response to a bid by Matty
Matty 05/19/23 5:06P $47.00 Matty bid was accepted, but was outbid by SWest using proxy bid.
SWest 05/19/23 2:01P $46.00 SWest outbid the previous bid by Robinski64
Robinski64 05/19/23 8:36A $45.00 Robinski64 outbid the previous bid by SWest
SWest 05/19/23 8:36A $44.00 Proxy bid was placed for SWest in response to a bid by Robinski64
SWest 05/19/23 3:00A $40.50 SWest outbid the previous bid by Marlajean
Marlajean 05/19/23 3:00A $39.50 Proxy bid was placed for Marlajean in response to a bid by SWest
Marlajean 05/19/23 3:00A $39.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Marlajean in response to a bid by SWest
SWest 05/19/23 3:00A $38.00 SWest bid was accepted, but was outbid by Marlajean using proxy bid.
Marlajean 05/18/23 6:30P $35.00 Marlajean outbid the previous bid by SWest
SWest 05/18/23 6:30P $34.00 Proxy bid was placed for SWest in response to a bid by Marlajean
SWest 05/15/23 4:48P $23.00 Proxy bid was was placed for SWest in response to a bid by Deidrehuff
Deidrehuff 05/15/23 4:48P $22.00 Deidrehuff bid was accepted, but was outbid by SWest using proxy bid.
SWest 05/14/23 9:25A $21.00 Proxy bid was was placed for SWest in response to a bid by Inno4u
Inno4u 05/14/23 9:25A $20.00 Inno4u bid was accepted, but was outbid by SWest using proxy bid.
SWest 05/13/23 9:35P $13.00 Proxy bid was was placed for SWest in response to a bid by anargc777
anargc777 05/13/23 9:35P $12.00 anargc777 bid was accepted, but was outbid by SWest using proxy bid.
SWest 05/13/23 9:04A $7.00 SWest outbid the previous bid by DJohnson1322
DJohnson1322 05/13/23 7:32A $6.00 DJohnson1322 outbid the previous bid by SWest
SWest 05/13/23 7:28A $5.00 SWest placed the starting bid.
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